The Importance of Social Media in Digital Marketing Today

Importance of social media marketing
Social Media Marketing is Key

Digital Marketing has become one of the most popular, and useful forms of marketing since its birth in the 1990s. When social media became a constant in everyone’s life over a decade later, it was clear it was an essential avenue to reach a brand’s audience and easily increase ROI.


Facebook is the 3rd most visited website on the internet, following closely behind only Google and YouTube. This means it is a crazy influential platform in the world. With billions of people signing in each day, it’s faster than ever to communicate, engage, and build relationships with your customers and audience. Instagram, another popular platform, Instagram, has become one of the most popular outlets for Generation X and Millennials to interact.


Why is social media still important in Digital Marketing Today?


Because, now more than ever, it’s important to reach your audience regularly, to build content that builds trust and loyalty from your customers and keeps your brand in the mind of consumers as a leader in the industry. Through focused and sponsored content on social media, you can choose who sees your content, based on demographics or location, and keep track of the results of your social media marketing campaigns.


By being easily approachable by your audience and connecting with them on a more personal level and responding to concerns and questions, makes all the difference into today’s tech influenced world.


Take Wendy’s for example. The large fast-food chain improved its profits by almost 50% over the past two years by developing a social media strategy that involved bantering with commenters and “trolling” their competitors. It’s because of this quick wit and engagement with consumers that Wendy’s became a fan favorite on social media as well as in-store.


Don’t forget that blogging and vlogging is still an important part of social media.


Before Facebook and Snapchat, there were blogs. Blogs were the only social media and our only outlet to communicate our ideas and share thoughts. Over the past decade, more people have been associating blogging or vlogging as a separate form of media, when in fact it should remain an important part of your social media strategy.


“Your own site (on your own domain) is simply the best way to publish new media content. And social media news and networking sites are the ways that your content gets exposure. It’s not money and geography that determines if your content spreads … it just has to be deemed good enough to be shared by regular people,” says Brian Clark, author of Since when are blogs not social media.


If you’re not sharing relevant, engaging, and interesting content on social media – it’s not going to get shares and it’s not going to get engagement. It’s important to do the research, figure out what your audience wants, and find the best most enjoyable method of getting it to them. If that means building a video for Instagram, or an on Facebook, do it. Just don’t leave social media to the bottom of your digital marketing plan – because it could be the best way to reach your audience.


Have any thoughts? Let me know in the comments.




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